4 Highly Effective Crowd Control Techniques

In any crowded place where there is an event, you need to control the crowd for them to enjoy the event. This is why you will find that at any event or concert, there will always be a way to control the crowd by restricting some areas and controlling their movements from one point to the next within the event. The following are ways that should be included in any crowd control plan.

Optimizing how they find their way around

While a frequent visitor to any business or location will find their way around with ease, newcomers have a hard time finding anything in the establishment. To make their time at the event or establishment easier, find a way to put signs with directions at convenient locations within the establishment. It does not matter whether it is a visitor’s first time or their tenth. All that matters is that they do not have to kill their brain cells trying to remember where the bathroom was or run all over the place looking for an exit. You can use digital signage to clearly mark areas and give directions.

Established areas like sitting areas, waiting lounges, checkouts toilets and other relevant areas should be clearly marked with directions leading from one point to the next. That way, every person will know where what they want is with ease without having to bother the staff or waste time walking around with no direction.

Queue management

There is no way you can ever avoid a queue in an event or a busy establishment like a bank, club, or restaurant. These are places that throng with people that need something from the establishment and some point, they will have to wait to be served and will therefore have to make a line. Whether they are waiting to enter a club or building, waiting to get tickets, or to get to a seat in a restaurant, line are inevitable. The lines, however, do not have to be too painful. Queueing usually bring out something bad in people.

After standing there for long, they get tired, impatient, agitated, and very excited. In this condition, it is very easy for them to make poor decisions or get into heated arguments with the others if not kept in check. This can cause problems and if let to escalate, can ruin the whole event for everyone else. Other than providing them with a distraction or engaging them in some way, you should be prepared to deal with them and restrict them from wandering off the areas you want them to be. A good way to do this is get crowd control barriers that cannot easily be pushed over or toppled.

Temporary fencing

Every so often, an area within an establishment or some section of an event will need to be closed off for maintenance, cleaning, renovation, or just because they are not part of the areas designated for the event. Such areas need some way to make them temporarily inaccessible and the best way to do this is through temporary fencing.

You can set up temporary fences either around an area or to block access to some areas. You can also place signs clearly indicating that the area is off limits for clients or event attendees. Of course, depending on the location, the type of event and the size and type of the crowd you are expecting, you will have to choose the best and most suitable type of temporary fencing. Some temporary fencing like event crowd control fencing can be heavy and very costly to buy and install. If the event is just one time thing or you cannot foresee yourself or your establishment using the fences often, you can opt to rent instead of buying one. Events happen once in a while, and while some companies may focus on entertainment, some may need these kinds of fences only for a particular occasion. Renting may be the best way to go around it.

Rapid deployment

Normally, most events will go on smooth or customers at an establishment will move about their business as smooth as you would expect. However, there are cases where things go wrong and run out of control. For this reason, event managers and people who run establishments where large groups of people flock to should be always prepared for the worst case scenario possible.

Even the most unexpected occurrences sometimes do occur and it is wise to be prepared than to start scrambling for solutions when they do. Say for example that the toilets clog during the event, you should be prepared to react to that situation and know how to keep people off until it is solved while fixing it as fast as possible. You should also be prepared for medical emergencies by having a medical team or an ambulance readily available.